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@mapgear/geoapps > PrintOptions

PrintOptions interface

The options that are available when starting a Print

export interface PrintOptions 


authorstringAuthor of the print
datestringDate of creation
descriptionstringDescription of the print
layoutPrintLayoutTypeLayout used for the print
orientationPrintOrientationTypeOrientation used for the print
pageSizePrintPageSizeTypeFormat used for the print
referencestringReference of the print
scalenumberScale used for the print
showAuthorbooleanWhether print has an author
showButtonbooleanWhether print is interactive with link to map
showCompassbooleanWhether print has a compass
showDatebooleanWhether print has a date of creation
showLegendbooleanWhether print has a legen
showOverviewbooleanWhether print has an overview
showQRbooleanWhether print has a QR code
showReferencebooleanWhether print has a reference
showScalebarbooleanWhether print has a scalebar
showSubtitlebooleanWhether print has a subtitle
showTitlebooleanWhether print has a title
subtitlestringSubtitle of the print
titlestringTitle of the print
urlstringThe url that is part of the QR code and the button in the print