Analyses | Provides access to the analyses functionality of GeoApps. Can be accessed through the Map.Analyses -property. |
Analysis | Represents analysis that can be performed on the map |
AnalysisCompute | Represents an analysis compute within an Analysis . The analysis compute is used to calculate a certain portion of the analysis |
AnalysisDraw | Represents an analysis draw within an Analysis . The analysis draw is used to create a draw action on the layer used for the analysis |
AnalysisParameterSelectValue | Represents an analysis parameter select value within an Analysis Parameter . The analysis select value is used to set a value for the analysis parameter selection |
AnalysisParameterValue | Represents an analysis parameter within an Analysis . The analysis parameter is used to allow user to select a predetermined value for the analysis |
AnalysisReportParameter | Represents an analysis report parameter within an Analysis . The analysis report parameter is to combine with the result in a displayed value from the analysis |
AnalysisResult | Represents an analysis result within an Analysis . The analysis result is the combined results from the analysis calculation |
AnalysisResultParameter | Represents an analysis result parameter within an Analysis Result . The analysis result parameter is the value of a calculation in the analysis |
App | Provides access to the app that is initialized in the UI. |
AppList | Contains the response of the App list |
AppListAppType | Contains the response of the App list |
AppListData | Contains the response of the App list |
AppListGroup | Contains the grouped apps of the App list |
AppListProject | Contains the response of the App list |
Apps | Provides access to the usage of methods that convern multiple apps in GeoApps |
AreaMeasurementResult | Contains the result of a measurement of an area |
AreaStyle | Represents the styling of an Area symbology |
BaseLayer | Base object representing a GeoApps baselayer. A base layer can be a color, layer or a set of layers where only one baselayer at a time is active, providing a background for the map. |
BaseLayerActivatedEventArgs | Triggers when a different base layer is activated |
BaseLayerAddedEventArgs | Triggered when a base layer is added |
BaseLayerRemovedEventArgs | Triggered when a base layer is removed from the map |
BaseLayers | Provides access to the baselayer functionality of GeoApps. Can be accessed through the Map.BaseLayers -property. |
Block | Represents a block within a Screen of an app. The block can be used to dynamically render a partial area of a screen, based on user configuration. |
Bookmark | Represent a bookmark |
BookmarkActivatedEventArgs | Triggered when a bookmark is activated and the map is zoomed to that bookmark |
Bookmarks | Provides access to the bookmarks functionality of GeoApps. Can be accessed through the Map.Bookmarks -property. |
CircleMeasurementResult | Contains the result of a measurement of an area |
Cluster | Represents clustered map feature |
ColorBaseLayer | Represents a base layer of a single (background) color |
Controls | Provides the ability to add some UI controls to GeoApps maps. Can be accessed through the Map.Controls -property. |
DatasetAttributeDropdownValue | Represents a dropdown value used for Dataset Attribute |
Drawing | Provides access to the address search functionality of GeoApps. Can be accessed through the Map.Drawing -property. |
EditableFeatureAttributeForm | Represents the form used for editing the feature's attributes on Drawing |
Envelope | Represents the envelope of the map |
Extension | Represents an extension object |
Extensions | Extensions, configured in the GeoApps Manager, allow use of other components, such as Google Analytics. The integration or user interface should use the keys provided for finding the correct extension and using its settings for usage. Can be accessed through the Map.Extensions -property. |
FeatureGeometry | (BETA) Object containing data to perform the actual split action. |
GeoApps | The GeoApps class provides access to all map-related configuration and settings |
IconStyle | Represents the styling of an Icon symbology |
InformationOverlay | Represent an information overlay |
InformationOverlayAddedEventArgs | Triggered when an information overlay is added |
InformationOverlayRemovedEventArgs | Triggered when an information overlay is removed |
InformationOverlays | Provides access to the information overlay functionality of GeoApps. Can be accessed through the Map.InformationOverlays -property. |
Interactions | Provides access to the map interactions of the initialized GeoApps map. Can be accessed through the Map.Interactions -property. |
LayerClickedEventArgs | Triggered when a base layer is removed from the map |
LayerItem | A layer object in the map |
LayerItemHoverEventArgs | Triggers when a the mouse hovers over an object in the specified layer |
Layers | Provides access to the layer tree of the current GeoApps map. Can be accessed through the Map.Layers -property. |
LineStringMeasurementResult | Contains the result of a measurement of a linestring |
Location | Represents a location object in the map |
Mail | Provides access to the mail functionality of GeoApps. |
MailAddress | Definition of a mail address |
MailMessage | A mail message that can be sent using the Mail-class |
Map | Provides access to the map that is initialized in the UI. The properties provide access to manipulation of the map. |
MapEngine | Provides access to the underlying map engine, used to render the map |
MapPropertiesErrorEventArgs | Triggers when an error occures while retrieving map properties |
MeasurementFinishedEventArgs | Triggered when a measurement on the map has been completed |
MeasurementResult | Represents the base measurement result |
Measurements | Provides access to the measurement functionality of GeoApps. Can be accessed through the Map.Measurements -property. |
Permalinks | Provides access to the Permalinks functionality. Can be accessed through the Map.Permalinks -property. |
PointStyle | Represents the styling of an Point symbology |
Popup | Represents a popup for a single feature. When multiple features are found at the selected location, multiple popup objects are returned. |
PopupEntryAttribute | Represents popup entry attribute for Popup |
PopupTab | Represents popup tab for Popup . A popup can contain multiple tabs with their own styling and content. |
PopupValue | Popup Value object |
PopupValueAttribute | Popup Value Attribute object |
Prints | Provides access to the Prints functionality. Can be accessed through the Map.Prints -property. |
Properties | General map settings, like the title, description and UI preferences. These settings are all configured through GeoApps Manager and should be honored in the integration or user interface that is built. |
Screen | Represents a screen in a GeoApps app. The screen contains one or more blocks, and one or more settings, that can be used in the UI presentation. A screen can be configured and provisioned through the GeoApps Manager, or can be added by code. |
Search | Provides access to the address search functionality of GeoApps. Can be accessed through the Map.Search -property. |
SearchResult | Represents search result object for Search |
ServiceBaseLayer | Represents service baselayer as an extension of the Baselayer object |
ServiceGroupBaseLayer | Represents service group baselayer as an extension of the Baselayer object |
SketchOptions | The options for the Sketch action |
SmartList | Provides access to the usage of the Smartlist functionality in GeoApps |
SmartListFilter | The options used to pass a filter to a smart list. The filter performs an exact comparison |
SmartListResult | Contains the result of a smart list action |
SmartScope | Represents a SmartScope instance |
SmartSearch | Provides access to the usage of the Smartsearch functionality in GeoApps |
SmartSearchCompletedEventArgs | Triggered when the smart search completed |
SmartSearchFailedEventArgs | Triggered when the smart search failed |
SmartSearchResult | Contains the result of a smart search action |
SplitOptions | The options for the Split action |
StrokeStyle | Represents the styling of an Stroke symbology |
Symbology | Symbology object used by LayerItem |
SymbologyClass | Symbology class object used by Symbology |
SymbologyClassAttribute | Symbology class attribute object used by Symbology Class |
SymbologyClassStyle | Represents the symbology class style used by Symbology Class |
Table | Representing a table with records |
TableColumn | Represents a single column in a Table -object |
TableRequest | Request object used to retrieve a table from the smartscope |
TableRow | Representing a single row in the table |
ThemeMap | The Thememap object |
ThemeMapActivatedEventArgs | Triggered when a specific thememap is activated |
ThemeMaps | Provides access to the thememap functionality of GeoApps. Can be accessed through the Map.ThemeMaps -property. |
User | Represents a GeoApps user |