@mapgear/geoapps-core > MathHelper
MathHelper class
Several helper-methods to perform mathematical computations
Signature:export declare class MathHelper
Method | Modifiers | Description |
circularArea(radius) | static | Compute the area of a circle |
circumference(radius) | static | Compute the circumference of a circle |
diameter(radius) | static | Compute diameter based on radius |
round(value, decimals) | static | Round the number with the specified amount of decimals |
ScaledBorder(strokeWidth, pointSize, pointValue) | Resizes border based on smaller display of a symbology item for svg circles. E.g. if item is shown at half size, so will the border be resized | |
ScaledRadius(segmentBorder) | Resized inner radius base on stroke width for svg circles | |
sum(array) | static | Summarize the length of the array |